Maya bug not saving requires statement in the ASCII header
This is essential for our RenderManager to know what to render with!
There is a bug in Maya where plugin info does not get saved if you have Save Panel Layout with File disabled.
Enable Preferences>Interface>UI Elements>Save Panel Layouts With File.
It should read like this in your ASCII
_//Maya ASCII 2011 scene_
_//Name: example.ma_
_//Last modified: Tue, Jun 21, 2011 10:51:57 AM_
_//Codeset: 1252_
_requires maya “2011”;_
_requires “Mayatomr” “2011.0m - “;_
_requires “stereoCamera” “10.0”;_
_currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t pal;_
_fileInfo "application" "maya";_
_fileInfo "product" "Maya 2011";_
_fileInfo "version" "2011 x64";_